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Origin of IGNs
AshberryDate: Sunday, 2009-08-30, 11:27 AM | Message # 46
Pink Zakum
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No idea actually, Angelique3 was originally created by my sister. If it was up to me, the ign would've been something extremely depressing sounding lol. She stopped playing her char at lvl3x and I took over basically.

MikkoDate: Wednesday, 2009-09-16, 3:51 AM | Message # 47
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You might think the origin of my IGN is Skype but its not >: i didnt even know about skype when i came up with scybe. That was ages ago btw. Scybe was a mix of letters, originally it was spyde i think O__O that's pretty gay btw. So yeah, its just a random combination of letters

<- The most awesome goal ever. Thank you Granlund <3 Finland - world ice hockey champion 2011
RoyYoSoyDate: Saturday, 2009-09-19, 8:05 AM | Message # 48
Pink Zakum
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I still dont know what my ign means. My spanish stinks. biggrin

Ingrid Power!!
xazncleriicxDate: Friday, 2009-10-23, 1:15 AM | Message # 49
Pink Zakum
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My name is pretty simple xD i've always been proud to me asian so thats where i got the 'azn' from and then i thought of the job that i wanted to be which was cleric and thats where i got azncleric but then that didnt work so i fancied it up to xazncleriicx xD

AmysBanginDate: Tuesday, 2009-12-08, 1:31 PM | Message # 50
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Well, lets see here,
Amy=My name
bangin= as in hott

So lets see, AmysBangin= Amy is hot.
lululullulu so hard to understand

LaurenDate: Sunday, 2009-12-20, 3:51 AM | Message # 51
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omg my turn my turnnnnnnnn

Lauren = my names Lauren :]
26 = My favourite number is 26. biggrin

= Lauren26 <3

NickGoesWildDate: Monday, 2010-01-18, 11:57 PM | Message # 52
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Well my ign NickGoesWild/imba/nuts/crazy is because coming up with nice names isn't really my thing lol sad
So i just took the first that camed up in my mind smile
And i usaully go wild at bro <3 Annoying betch is what he is lol ...

And tho my Name is Nick hehe <3

RetraceableDate: Tuesday, 2010-06-22, 2:18 PM | Message # 53
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Throughout my life I have learned you need to take a step forward and look back on your past to correct the mistakes you have made. I lost the ign on an account of mine, but my NL (fm mule) is named Retraces. I've always liked this ign because it describes and reminds me of what kind of person I am. Every night/throughout the day/in the morning or just whenever I'm staring at my ceiling I reminisce my past and attempt to learn and better myself from it. All my IGN's that I make relate to me some how, some way.

Paradisea is a type of flower, in fact it's my favorite type of flower... lol. This is how my Marksman's name became to be.

HopeShes18Date: Saturday, 2011-03-19, 3:49 PM | Message # 54
Pink Zakum
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my friend is always hanging out with girls that are mad young lmfao there all jailbait so i cant mess with them so thats when i had the idea for this ign ROFL =P
Quote (NickGoesWild)
And tho my Name is Nick hehe <3

Shouldve named urself NickGoneWild sounds cooler and kinda funny cuz it reminds people of girls gone wild LOL

click my signature .

Message edited by HopeShes18 - Saturday, 2011-03-19, 3:53 PM
FurryWallsDate: Sunday, 2011-03-20, 2:20 AM | Message # 55
Pink Bean
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mines just from the movie "get him to the greek" xD

"To me, Fearless is not the absense of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death."
-Taylor Swift
TriffyDate: Sunday, 2011-03-20, 4:56 AM | Message # 56
Squirrel AIDS!
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Quote (FurryWalls)
mines just from the movie "get him to the greek" xD

MOVIE,that you were pressured to watch by Axel & I!

Triffy - Triffeles ( Latvian of Truffles), I adore chocolate,so the first IGN was Triffely,since it got fk'd up in skills,made shorter of Triffy.xd

Linyla - Sat for 5 min wondering around what letter I want my IGN to start with and then just added letters one by one.

Pussai - I think guild was trying to come up with some genetalia IGNS for mules checking ifthey are taken or not , when aran just came out, I thought of this one and since it wasn't taken, I took it.:D

Multicolor - was made by Cameron ( BudgetNudist).


FurryWallsDate: Sunday, 2011-03-20, 11:39 AM | Message # 57
Pink Bean
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Quote (Triffy)

proper spelling is multicoloUr smile

"To me, Fearless is not the absense of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death."
-Taylor Swift
TriffyDate: Sunday, 2011-03-20, 8:00 PM | Message # 58
Squirrel AIDS!
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Quote (FurryWalls)
proper spelling is multicoloUr

I do know that. smile I never said it's prop.spelled,just how I got it. o;

FurryWallsDate: Monday, 2011-03-21, 12:16 PM | Message # 59
Pink Bean
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Quote (iiStevche)
Steve = iFreezeBoy
Basically i. Freeze. Little. Boys. Quoted by Fleyx <3 enough said aha xD

what a damn pedo.

"To me, Fearless is not the absense of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death."
-Taylor Swift
AatroxDate: Monday, 2011-03-21, 9:28 PM | Message # 60
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Quote (FurryWalls)
what a damn pedo.

Come here little boy <3

Fantastic Baby ~