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Merching Guide, all my tactics.
PersumeDate: Friday, 2012-03-30, 2:47 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
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Hello everyone.

Just a merching guide for everyone to use freely, I have been using this to merch, and seems to help me a lot. Since I am quitting Maplestory now, it seems smart to leave this guide around for everyone to use.

I will probably not update this ever, so the prices will probably change by a lot in the future, and this guide will be outdated. But this is just for those who need a bit of help when merching.

[/u]Rule #1

Buy Low. Sell High.

This is the ultimate rule to merching. However, this isn't the best rule in my opinion.

Selling high can be tedious, and it can be DAYS before anyone purchases the items you are merching. Therefore, you must Buy VERY low, and sell moderately low.

By these tactics, you will profit and will be a little more time efficient.

Rule #2

NEVER lose profit when merching.

If you buy something for a price, and it drops in price sharply, please make sure that you don't lose profit on the item. If you end up losing profit, then everything will go to waste, and you will be losing money. Simply keep putting it on the amount you bought it for until it sells.

Rule #3

Have patience.

You need to be patient while merching. If you have no patience, then merching really isn't for you.

Rule #4

Stay firm with your prices, unless you know you will profit by at least 15~20m still.

If you are buying something for 100m, and someone trades you and tells you 150m, keep telling them to go with 100m. Eventually, they will buckle in or they might leave, which goes back to the patience rule.

Rule #5

Always talk in proper grammar.

Kind of self-explanatory, people feel a lot more comfortable when dealt with with proper grammar and spelling.

Rule #6

Know your prices! This can be done if you ask a friend, guildy, or just refer to this guide. Beware that this guide will eventually go out of date, and I suggest you confirm the prices before buying / selling.

Rule #7

Buy a shop permit.

Not the mushroom one, but regular. Saves money and helps sell faster.

Rule #8
Don’t go on Mystery Mastery book runs.

I know it is tempting, but it really can destroy your profits.

Finally, it is the merching part!

0 ~ 3m Mesos

At this point, you need to get money!

Do the GFA 60% quest, Subani's legacy for some fast cash, or take advantage of current maplestory events or just borrow some from a friend to begin merching.

With the money, you will have around 6m. This is not enough to merch anything! I found the best way to make money at this point, either find an extractor / Alchemist in ardentmill and learn Mining + Accessory Crafting.

With Accessory crafting, go buy adamantium ores and refine them at the mining place. Then create the level 70 rings using those Adamantium ores. Fill up your inventory with rings and then extract them and hope for intermediate item crystals, which sell for around 100k~150k right now. Generally an inventory full of rings (24) will bring around ~50 intermediate item crystals, which cost around ~30k mesos per ring, and then 5,000,000-24*30,000=around 4m profit.

Repeat this for a few days, then you can move on to the next section of merching.

Step 2. 10m ~ 50m

Congratulations! Finally hit 10m :D.

Well now you can stop that darned IIC farming and start with the wonderful marching ! XD

Now we move onto GFA 60%! If you guys didn’t know what GFA stood for, it stands for Glove for Attack.
Buy them for 5m each, but just say something like B> Scrolls. This way, they won’t know it’s definitely GFA, but they will probably trade you and show GFA 60% anyways.

Then in your shop, sell them for 10m each. After a while, you should stock up on money.
Also you can buy things such as Chaos scrolls. Buy them for around 8m each, and sell them for around 15m each.
After a while, you will have enough.

Step 3. 50m~150m

Now you can move onto M.Chaos Scrolls and moderate chairs. Chairs vary a lot in price, so get a price check before you buy, and just sell for like 20m more than you bought it for.

M.Chaos buy for around 25~30m, and sell for 45m. Pretty simple stuff.

Step 4. 150m~1000m

Finally at 10 att Wgs and AEE!
AEE buy for around 60m, sell for 90m. For 10 atts, buy then UNCRAFTED. UN ENHANCED. UNPOTENTIALED. And UNHAMMERED. Or else, they will not sell!

Buy them for 120m and sell for 145m.

Keep repeating till around 1b.

Step 5. 1b+

Now you can do anything. Start with Mastery Books also, just say B> Books, and wait for the ones that are over 50m, and offer low on them.

Next are potentialled equips. Just buy them for low, and what you think will sell. I bought a 3l unique warrior top for 160m, and sold it for 500m, which is huge profit.
Lastly, work on the really godly equips, and buy them for like 5b~ and sell them for like 6b~ which is nice profit each time. Merching will get harder and harder as prices rise.

And that’s the end folks, have a great time Mapling

Hello there ;D
FaymisDate: Sunday, 2012-04-01, 4:14 PM | Message # 2
Group: Forsaken+
Messages: 634
Awards: 9
Reputation: 11
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Nice guide, looks good.
Id say if i know the item i just bought is falling hard in price id rather sell it and tank my losses then keep holding it and trying to sell for a price too high. Just suffer your loses cause like you said in rule 1 holding on to items and selling them for the highest people see it for isnt always realistic or takes too long.

I would also buy some nx and instantly start merching in the 1b+ market cause the couple mill scrolls just isnt worth the time ;P

FurryWallsDate: Sunday, 2012-04-01, 5:56 PM | Message # 3
Pink Bean
Group: Forsaken
Messages: 284
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Reputation: 8
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Quote (Faymis)
Nice guide, looks good.
Id say if i know the item i just bought is falling hard in price id rather sell it and tank my losses then keep holding it and trying to sell for a price too high. Just suffer your loses cause like you said in rule 1 holding on to items and selling them for the highest people see it for isnt always realistic or takes too long.

I would also buy some nx and instantly start merching in the 1b+ market cause the couple mill scrolls just isnt worth the time ;P

Sexy ginger beast!
im going back home in a month. Sushi?

"To me, Fearless is not the absense of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death."
-Taylor Swift
AatroxDate: Monday, 2012-04-02, 5:55 AM | Message # 4
Group: Administrators
Messages: 152
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Reputation: 2
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Quote (Faymis)
Nice guide, looks good.
Id say if i know the item i just bought is falling hard in price id rather sell it and tank my losses then keep holding it and trying to sell for a price too high. Just suffer your loses cause like you said in rule 1 holding on to items and selling them for the highest people see it for isnt always realistic or takes too long.

I would also buy some nx and instantly start merching in the 1b+ market cause the couple mill scrolls just isnt worth the time ;P


Fantastic Baby ~
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