hi everyone from forsaken. i would just like to thank all of you guys for getting me 3 zhelms.
it was quick and affordable. i heard that you needed a bowman but even though im a low lvl (which people judge upon) i go on everyday on ms for a little while to interact with friends instead of leveling. My name is david. im from cali.
i just wanted to say hi to danny (kungfumaster) from aeons. its been a long time bro.
anyways, leveling doesnt mean much to me as having fun after i quit my my marauder. but i would very like to join forsaken not because of the popularity or the high levels but because of the kindness that you guys showed to me even on a z-run. bello has too many drama guilds and i would very much like to be in a guild where everyone is like a family.
i hope i can be qualified but even if i dont, i would still keep my hopes up because even though i only met some people through z-helm for 2hours, it made me feel like home more than aeons or idelight.
i thank everyone in forsaken and im hopping to get my 4th zhelm here as well
tyvm ![biggrin](http://s102.ucoz.net/sm/17/biggrin.gif)