Would you eat a bug?
Depends on what bug and whether it was prepared or not. Would you bungee jump?
Yes! :)
Would you hang glide?
Yes! :)
Would you kill someone?
Depends on the situation i'm in and the conditions i'm under.
Would you kiss someone of the same sex?
Already done it :). Now L>Someone of the opposite sex -_-'
Would you parachute from a plane?
Would you walk on hot coals?
Would you be a vegitarian?
Pescaterian! 8]
Would you sing karaoke?
YES@! :)
Would you run a red light?
Probably by acident.
Would you shoplift?
Depends on what item. I've shoplifted candy before o.o. But other then that i wouldn't.
Would you dye your hair blue?
Yes, if it wasn't against the school's conduct and my parents
Would you be on survivor?
Would you wear make-up in public?
Would you not wear make-up in public?
Depends on where i am and who i'm with
Would you cheat on a test?
I've done it before! But i usually don't unless i'm really desperate [like having 4 tests in one day and not enough time to study -_-']
Would you make someone cry?
If i really did not like them.
Would you date someone more than 10 years older than you?
Depends on my current age. Not at the moment though.