UPDATED: contest ended ~ voting thread will be up this weekend or so <3 (October 17-18th). voting will run until the end of the month.
Edit the image with your best fortunes. Can be maple related or not. Each user can enter up to three different fortunes. The event will run until October 12th. Only forsaken members and alliance members are eligible for the award meso, anyone may enter for fun. All submissions will be put up and judged for two weeks. The two top rated submissions will win the following:
1st place 50 million meso | 2nd place 25 million meso
You can submit your fortune by posting the pic via comments ~
congratulations to (QuikBlade) DD for winning! (even though he was the 3rd lvl 120 thunder breaker lol) I wonder if they send him a nano or a cheapo shuffle :3 my money is on the shuffle