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Forum moderator: xFlipy  
Merch Guide
xFlipyDate: Saturday, 2010-07-03, 8:21 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1113
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Here ya go Jorge, just copied and pasted the file I found on my hard drive.

What to Buy and Sell

Everything that can be sold is potentially profitable, however some things are naturally better sellers than others. I will try to list them according to the amount of mesos you have. Of course you can do stuff from a lower category even when you have more mesos. Profit is profit.

5-10 Mil
Red Whips, Onyx Apples, and clean Blue Sauna Robes are the best sellers here. Equips are still very good. You can even start reselling some of the more crappy scrolled items that people get frustrated with and let go for very cheap. Scrolls are also an option, of course. Glove, dagger, claw and 2-handed sword attack scrolls are particularly good profit.

20-30 Mil
Scrolls are amazing if you know the prices of them well. Don't just do the common scrolls anymore, but some of the more obscure ones as well. Attack work gloves if you manage to get them cheap. Just remember that they have a fairly high tax, so it isn't worth it if it's less than 2m under normal price. Scrolled equips are also good at this point.

100 Mil+
Nicely scrolled or even godly equips can be extremely good profit at this point. Also, iTCG items! But be warned, the prices fluctuate a lot for these, aswell as these being hard to sell

There are no limits to reselling. The items listed above are only to start you off. Once you get familiar with prices and decide on your specialization, then go for whatever works for you.

Where to Buy

The best way to get items for your store is by browsing other people's shops and looking for sellers in the Chan 1 FM Entrance.

When browsing shops, you should know that Chan 1, FM 1/2 prices are usually inflated. For more crowded servers, that can extend to channels 4-6 as well. One method that I use is to start at Chan 1 FM 7 and keep browsing through each fm until I hit FM 12. Then I go to FM 13 and start from FM 13 to all the way to the last FM in the same row (FM 13 ~ 17) Finally, I go to FM 18 ~ 22 and finish off with FM 6 ~ 1. The higher fm rooms are overlooked so you're more likely to find a deal before someone else if you browse this way.

How to Buy

No matter who contacted who first, it is always helpful for you to ask them how much they want for their item. Some people will straight-up tell you. If they give you a pretty low price, don't haggle very much with them. People do seem to be impatient and easily offended these days and you don't want to lose a big fish just to save on a worm.

If they ask you to offer, you have to evaluate the person. Give them the lowest price you can without offending them. It helps if you start off with something like: "I don't know (establish that you are exploring prices so that they don't get immediately offended), is ____k/mil ok?"

Offering in the form of a question is important since it doesn't make it seem like you're making a demand.

If the person gives in a little, increase your offer a little -- try to go for a similar increase to what they are decreasing (i.e. they decrease by 1m, you increase by 1m). This strategy is effective because they can only think you are giving an okay haggle since the increment/decrement is exactly what they gave you. Continue doing this until you reach the price you have in mind as the maximum you are willing to pay. Inform them of the maximum. Keep this maximum slightly lower than what you are really willing to shell out, so that if they are getting really desperate just to get a little more, you can just give it to them without much of a fuss. You'll be surprised of how much people don't know prices, so it's worth it to 'hussle' some sellers.

ALWAYS be polite. Do not use noob-speak or chat-speak. It gives less credibility to a lower offer and will increase the chances of people dismissing you as an idiot who doesn't know prices.

Another place to find good deals is when someone smegas a sale. The smega-er might not have anything cheap, but there are always people who will open up shops hoping to leech off the group of buyers that the smega-er drew over.

Spamming "B>Scrolls" gets horrible scrolls half the time and you should instead try to trade the people spamming that they are selling scrolls.

How to Sell

First step, you must get an FM spot. (The following may be different on less crowded servers; just go where people are and as close to the door as you can!)

Try to stick to FM 1~6 as much as possible as it is the first room that people usually go into.

Ideally you'll want a door spot, no matter which channel it's on or what room it's in. When I say door spot, I mean that when someone comes through the entrance portal, your shop is within their screen without them having to move. Of course the closer to the actual portal, the better.

You have to be careful when buying a spot. Don't buy if there is more than 1 person under that spot. Even when it is only the shop owner, make sure you have the item inventory open and at the Cash Shop Items tab.

Descriptive shop names will give better results than random shop names. Shoppers are more likely to visit shops with names like: -Good Equips- rather than a random title like -meow-.

Price Checking
A merchant must rely on experience more than anything else.

As a merchant, you'll simply deal with too many items to make a price check for each of them. How do you know if something is worth it? Experience.

This experience is rather tedious to gain. Here are a few times that will help you:

1. If you want to specialize in a certain class's equips, keep a notebook of the range of the MAIN stat. You don't have to list them all out at once, but rather in the beginning you'll be checking stats a lot, so every time you check, record it. Eventually you'll know it by heart. For example, I know off the top of my head that an average evil tale has something like 73 mattk, with 78 mattk being perfect base.

2. Make a list of scrolls you want to deal in. Go around the FM and record the prices that these scrolls have sold for. This is the best way to get to know scroll prices fast.

3. Keep a look out for scrolled equips. These are determined by a main stat and an auxiliary stat and are often denoted as 12/104 or 104/12. The 12 is a base stat like dex, int, str, luk. The 104 is an auxiliary stat like M.ATK or ATK. Do not buy these until you have seen what they sell for first, since what may seem cheap to an inexperienced eye might be even cheaper to everyone else.

- Ask other people with a price check thread: make sure you state the item name, main/auxiliary stat, server, and slots left.

BEWARE OF PRICE FLUCTUATIONS:It really wouldn't kill you to take a few extra minutes to check. Due to recent events, prices have gone haywire in many servers. Not being aware of price changes (i.e. Clean SCGs went up from 70mil to 225mil over a month's period in Scania or vegas scrolls deflating MTS prices) can cost you millions of potential profit.

MTS (Maple Trading System)
Coming soon-

Don't believe in miracles, depend on them.
herProRiderDate: Sunday, 2010-07-04, 8:01 AM | Message # 2
Pink Zakum
Group: Friend of Forsaken
Messages: 14
Awards: 0
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
awesome thanks, i'll be waiting for the mts one as well happy

HopeShes18Date: Wednesday, 2011-03-23, 5:34 PM | Message # 3
Pink Zakum
Group: Users
Messages: 11
Awards: 0
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Cant wait for mts trading =] have any idea when ur going to be posting it up?

click my signature .
FaymisDate: Thursday, 2011-03-24, 10:15 PM | Message # 4
Group: Forsaken+
Messages: 634
Awards: 9
Reputation: 11
Status: Offline
He posted it up months ago i doubt Tristan will make another guide

FurryWallsDate: Thursday, 2011-03-24, 11:05 PM | Message # 5
Pink Bean
Group: Forsaken
Messages: 284
Awards: 5
Reputation: 8
Status: Offline
he quit being a pro mercher and became a henehoe.

"To me, Fearless is not the absense of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death."
-Taylor Swift
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