Currently planning a guild meeting for a guild SS next week, planning to hold it anytime from Thursday onward, please vote in the bbs post which day is better for you, will announce the date early next week
DD is back from vacation, all is well in bellocan
Zakum run time is up for re-vote, please vote and/or discuss it here
Zakum buyer policy/info has changed regarding regular buyers
Looking for members who are interested in hosting/creating guild events (even if scheduling for something like weekend guild PQ's), any ideas are welcome and you may use the event forum if you wish; new site poll regarding events will run for 20 days and it is multiple choice to get a feeling of what type of events people like, please vote!
Guild member only forums no longer require a key, they are only visible to members or jr's
If you would like to create and submit a new banner/header for the site, the max dimensions for a banner are 900 X 150, a copy of the header can be found here for sizing/website purposes, do not edit the image beyond where the blocks end on the right