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Main » 2009 » May » 13 » Guild RE-REcruitment
0:07 AM
Guild RE-REcruitment

Forsaken is a guild centered around a community experience. based around forming friendships, meeting new people and working together to better the collective game play.

If you are a leech trainer who hangs on a rope all day; aren't talkative and friendly and only after items/meso, Forsaken is not for you. Such players will be weeded out.

 We are looking for players who are active, open, communicative and willing to take on an amount of responsibility. Users who want to meet new people, form friendships and experience the game with others.

We want members who will be appropriate for the guild and recruits who understand the guild they are applying for. Please read up more about us and see if you meet our criteria and if Forsaken is right for you.

To apply:

 You need to be 4th job and at least lvl 130 (some leeway can be given if your a friend of the guild). Obviously you must be legit. Some jobs will be seen more favorable than others, but we do want a diverse group of guild mates.

 We are not just looking to host "trophy high levels", We are looking for great people and players.

  • Before applying please review the guild and rules/information (here). Please make sure the guild is right for you before applying.
  • After submitting your application it will be posted on the guild website (See: public recruitment forum) and will be up for a group sampling vote, the time period of this vote will be at least two weeks.
  • After applying it is important that you visit the forum and our guild FM (CH19 FM6). talk with guild members and introduce yourself, don't be shy.
  • The final say on you joining will be decided by the guild leaders.
Note: Members are of course welcomed to invite their friends to apply for the guild.
Thank you!
Category: Guild | Views: 1136 | Added by: moto | Rating: 0.0/0
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