Essential is interested in allying with the guild. Opinions are welcome, vote and please let us know how you feel about the alliance. Personally, im interested in allying to help the guild with networking and increasing overall activity (chat/training/boss opportunities). Essential has also been/will be helpful to our HT goals and with us also assisting essential in their first HT run.
Ed (eddiee69) and peter (vtstyles) lead the guild and are known by DD (not all the personal opinon of DD or what DD thinks) and me.
If you are opposed to the alliance please let us know why, thank you~
i could really care less.... sounds like it would be fun to talk with people and everything :)...... im for it as long as it doesnt cut into my moto time <3333
ED and I have been friends on maple for a long time and have been in guilds together, i got to meet peter last month and has been very friendly and helpful