[Note] Lo Poh = Wifeyy.
Please give a warm welcome [back] to Wai/HoLyStAlK3R, Jermaine/MusicAllDay, && Joyce/iJoyce, Forsaken`s newest bishops. We hope you enjoy your stay. If any issues needs to be addressed, please bring it forward to motomage, quikstrike, or jenisaur.
My two younger sisters, JulieStarr && jamisaur, are also new additions to the guild. I felt the need to keep an eye on them when they play instead of having them run around talking to weirdos in the game. Please bring up any problems with them to me and I`ll be sure to take away their internet / television remote / rooms. Thank you.
Tiffy [istrbrycandy] && Jimin [ZroPrecision] announced their breaks and will be back soon. If they fail to return, motomage will be in charge of the whips && chains.
DDnub`s stupid silent week ended short. He speaks! However, there were no winners because DD learned that after selling all his Tobis, he would still not have 100M to give out.
We try to keep the guild as drama-free as possible, but if there are any issues/problems, please bring it up to one of the leaders or make use of the Flame Zone. It is your friend and is there for a reason.
We appreciate those who try to make it to Zakum Runs almost daily. However, it seems like we`re always struggling to get members to come. If you`re going to log on at the last minute to sign up for the run, please try to tell us in advance so we`ll know you`ll be coming.
Also, we are taking too long to set up the run. Please keep in mind that we`d like to run 8:30, so please show up in Nath by 8:00 PM. Thank you.
Motomage currently has the Olympics Event up. Click herefor more info. Please be sure to participate as we reach the end of summer. It seems like balaS2 is in the lead. We`ll see how everything turns out.
I believe that Jimin is still holding the Grandpa Boss event. If this is correct, please let me know so we can start getting people to sign up for it.
[New event] Moto said that whoever gets Aman to rejoin gets 10M! Get to it people. d:
-- Jenisaur