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Happy Birthday Moto (motomage)
& bieng way too sexy for his shirt.
Category: Guild | Views: 2614 | Added by: Tess | Date: 2009-12-21 | Comments (7)

Prepare for another round of Changes.....

Note: guild members: please see this new forum detailing position's and needs of the guild. Please take any offer of assistance serious as they will be considered your guild "job".
Category: Guild | Views: 619 | Added by: DeathDaggers | Date: 2009-12-20 | Comments (1)

Due to limited guild space, if you create an aran we welcome you to join our cygnus/2nd char guild: Demonic. If you have a second char currently in forsaken and you would wish to remove it to make room for your aran, feel free to ask a JR. Although, if you become inactive on the char it may be removed when room is needed. Any chars in demonic stay put.

To join Demonic please ask the guild or a JR, many members have an account with JR status in the guild. We will also give long time members JR status in demonic to help moderate and add people.

For members wondering; we are asking if the guild can join the alliance for the time being to help connect the guilds. As time goes by, if your aran becomes a main char you play we will accommodate you into the main guild.

Weither the mule/2nd guild joins the alliance, alliance members are always welcome to join the guild as well on their arans (as we did with cygnus).

Thank you~
Category: Guild | Views: 508 | Added by: moto | Date: 2009-12-11 | Comments (0)

Its thanksgiving!
We wish everyone a happy holiday.
Considering how many foodies are in the guild, im assuming this is a favorite holiday of many in the guild... the guild fatty's (See: tristan, manny).

So... on this thanksgiving, what are you thankful for?

I know that, FORSAKEN, is thankful for the bellocan community and their support; our alliance/alliance buddies; a few amazing members who keep the guild entertained and operating, day in and day out...

AND for all our zakum buyers who put their trust in us to help them get helmed!
Category: Guild | Views: 744 | Added by: forsakenguild | Date: 2009-11-26 | Comments (5)

Happy Birthday to Ingrid!

Category: Guild | Views: 636 | Added by: forsakenguild | Date: 2009-11-03 | Comments (4)

Happy Birthday to Ben (h0llist3r)

Category: Guild | Views: 576 | Added by: forsakenguild | Date: 2009-11-01 | Comments (5)

Happy Halloween hoes!
Hope everyone has a fun/eventful day~ Tricks and treats were sent out this afternoon, thank you again to everyone who participated.

Category: Guild | Views: 622 | Added by: forsakenguild | Date: 2009-10-30 | Comments (0)

As most of you know or remember, on Halloween night your family, friends and neighbors welcome hoes of all shapes and sizes (see: children, fattys, trannys who work street corners) to their doorstep for a giveaway which can only be described as an orgy of all things made from sugar and cocoa powder.

The transaction is easy, the receiver gets a free sugary confection and the giver gets satisfaction from seeing people make fools of themselves for a snack size snickers.

Unfortunately, as our relationship here is confined to the givings of the internet, we cant actually invite all you nasty hoes to our front doorstep for a sugary treat. But i'd like to imagine if we could; we would pass out gummy crucifixes...

This event is a forsaken version of the classic. We will be handing out maple "treats". The value of these treats will range from 5k to 25+ million meso. The cost for partaking in this game of Halloween chance is something the guild jr's all hold very dear. meso.

You will be required to part with one (1) million meso to enter this event.

You are trick-or-treats'ing forsaken style. To be eligible you must be a Forsaken member or in our alliance (EG: you belong to the guilds; honour, pirates). We will hold a pre-made list of prizes ranging from expensive to worthless, all numbered in a random order. Before or after paying you will select a random number between 1 & 50. For the present time being you may only buy one number per person.

On Halloween we will pass out the prizes, which are predetermined by whatever number you acquired. To participate you must enter before or on October 29th.

A shop will be set up @ forsaken guild FM (CH19 FM 6) with chocolates that you may purchase for 999,999k meso. The IGN of the character running the store will be "flickerstick" and the shop will be named S> tricks & treats. If a shop is currently not online feel free to call a number here and pay later on (or we will contact you to pay).

After (or before) purchasing an item you must choose one (1) number which can range from 1 to 50. You MUST comment this notice with the number of your choosing so individuals who participate can easily see which numbers are taken. Who ever posts a number first (see: time stamp) owns that number.

If you call a number and do not pay the entry fee within a day your hold will be deleted and the number will be available again. We will list numbers as they are taken along with the person who called the number below.

UPDATE: given that about half of all the numbers were bought, im going to give everyone who participated another number and double up your chances of winning (i already factored in the idea that only 25 or so would take part and this is expressed in the number of "prizes" vs "tricks", so doubling up shouldn't ruin the event :3)

the choosing of your doubling up will work in a opposite, descending order. EG: if you selected the number (50), you will get the number (1), since (1) is taken here you would receive the lowest number which is not taken, which here is (3). The person who selected the next lowest mumber (47) would get number (4) and so on.

grey marks your original number and orange as your double up number.

The few unused numbers will be deleted from the list.

On Halloween eve (TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT) the treats will be sent via duey to all users who participated; where you will find out if you were tricked or treated.

If you have questions or concerns please address them here or with a Forsaken JR.
Category: Guild | Views: 720 | Added by: forsakenguild | Date: 2009-10-29 | Comments (27)

If you would like to join the guild ventrilo please contact moto, tristan, bobby, macky, humpy or tess. (see social forum to request an account via the site). If you prefer using skype, their will still be people hosting skype calls (namely tristan).
And thank you to macky for making this possible for the guild!

Category: Guild | Views: 485 | Added by: forsakenguild | Date: 2009-10-18 | Comments (4)

To address concerns of more senior members of the guild the we have changed recruitment.

To identify senior members from new members the user group "Forsaken" has been divided into two categories
Member = Senior member =
A VIP member is identified as a member who has experience with the guild and how it operates. A member who has successfully completed their trial membership and have remained an active guild member for sometime with no issues. Above all though, VIP members will be taken into consideration by how well the JR's and their fellow (senior) members know of the member and their trust level of that member.

This will not effect any in game activities, boss runs or events. It will allow senior members to have more say in the direction of the guild, speak more freely of issues with new recruits, guild rules and procedures; with hopefully less potential drama and better communication.

All members will be able to discuss and voice their opinion on guild topics posted in guild only chat and will have a voice (though more limited than before) when it comes to recruitment. Please still provide the guild with your feedback of applicants and guild issues. Do not feel that if you have an issue with a new recruit that your opinion dosent matter, We will still listen as we had before.

VIP members will be the only group allowed to simply "vote/vouch" for a recruit. The final decision if a recruit joins will be up to senior members and guild JR's. A private recruit forum for VIP members is now available to freely discuss and address concerns with recruits. A private general discussion forum can also be found in guild only to discuss rule enforcement, issues with guild members and our always changing guild policy.

Note to VIP members: respect the overall privacy of these discussions. I want members to feel ok with voicing their displeasure with ANYTHING or ANYONE. If we find you to be feeding other guild members of what a fellow VIP member posted we will devouch you from the privilege of having any say in the guild and it will be taken as an affront to the guild, which will effect how we view/trust you.

Finally, guild moderation and how it will be changing.

But, first a personal note from moto D:<
I had hoped with the posting of the "burn book" that i could get members to more openly address their issues with each other by submitting their concern straight to the guild JR's in a very non-threatening setting. My hope was that with making the theme of such a tool seem lighthearted and have a certain comical aspect i could make more of you comfortable submitting your issue while maybe also making you think about the issue before sending it.
Unfortunately this hasn't happened and instead its been used a tool for entertainment and small back and forth venting, which is fine and dandy but misses the overall goal of what i wanted to achieve; weeding out drama/infighting before it boils over. Because i completely hate spending my time handling drama, i think we should just approach issues in a more direct approach (while trying to maintaining some order to the situation) /end

From now on when a member addresses a JR with a concern or when a JR has a concern with a specific member we will open a private thread in the guild mediation forum on the site to discuss the issue between you and the guild leadership. If you are asked to join us in discussion over an issue:
  • KEEP YOUR COOL, we expect maturity.
  • DO NOT GOSSIP ABOUT THE MEDIATION WITH FELLOW GUILD MEMBERS. the issue will involve you and fellow people involved, no one else needs to be dragged into it.
  • If you screw around and bring the guild into the issue, gossip and create problems over the mediation... /kick
This is to MEDIATE a potential situation, please be respectful of the overall guild if you are asked to work with us in addressing an issue. Doing such will help JR's who don't like confrontation run the guild in a more orderly manner and hopefully fix a situation before it grows out of hand.

If you have an issue or concern with this new system please address a guild JR.
I hope these actions address the concerns/discontent some of you have had over the recently (and admittedly) more "slack" operation the guild has taken. Thank you~

Category: Guild | Views: 1113 | Added by: forsakenguild | Date: 2009-10-17 | Comments (2)

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