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Category: Guild | Views: 606 | Added by: moto | Date: 2009-08-08 | Comments (4)

Due to the guild being full we plan to use our sister guild, Demonic, for Cygnus characters. To join Demonic please ask a JR (quikstrike/gokushinobi/motomage/humpyz/bluexdesire). Many guildies in Demonic also have the ability to add you (tess/manny)

If after the Cygnus events you plan to make your knight into a main/active character please ask to join the main guild.

We would like to submit an entry into the all Cygnus guild SS event. If you have an idea for the guild photo feel free to submit it with the guild.

Thank you~

Category: Guild | Views: 615 | Added by: moto | Date: 2009-07-29 | Comments (0)

Alliance event: #5
Time: 9AM PST / 12PM EST
Date: Sunday 26th of July
Location: ask

Event description: Race to Lv 10.
Approximate event duration 45 mins ~ 1 hour

This event consists of 3 parts. Each part will be on consecutive weekends (26th July, 2nd August, 9th August). If you miss one of the parts, you can still participate in the next as long as you satisfy each pre-requisite but will, however, not receive any participation points if you do not attend that particular event.

Pre-requisite: Your character must be Lv 1 and must be on the first map of Maple Island. You’re allowed to make it in advance with IGN pre-fixed by the first letter your guild’s name. For example, if you’re from Pirates, you need to create a character starting with the letter “P”.

  • Before the event starts, you will be invited to the alliance’s mule guild.
  • The goal of the event is to level your character to Lv 10 as fast as you can.
  • To be eligible to get participation points, you will need to get to Lv 10 before the event ends.
  • You will be allowed to do quests but not to use double EXP cards.
  • No sign up required (full thread can be found on the forums -> alliance)
Category: Guild | Views: 651 | Added by: moto | Date: 2009-07-20 | Comments (0)

Thank you to everyone who attended today's run~

Full info can be found here. Congratulations to divine and purplelines on pendant.

Category: Guild | Views: 623 | Added by: moto | Date: 2009-07-20 | Comments (0)

The honour guild website will be hosting the official forums of the guild alliance. Please join the forums and participate! (to view alliance related threads your account will have to be verified, please notify a forsaken JR after joining to receive access).

Alliance members joining our site will also be given full access to the forsaken guild site/forums. You may request guild membership on the site when joining (see: registration) or contact a forsaken JR in game up upgrade an older account.

Our first alliance event will also occur this weekend (i apologize for the late announcement, ive been busy and yuki fails)

Alliance event: #1
Time: 9AM PST / 12PM EST
Date: Sunday 5th of July

Event description: Will be revealed closer to the event.
Approximate event duration 30~45mins

Sign up is located within the honour forums.
Thank you~
Category: Guild | Views: 744 | Added by: moto | Date: 2009-07-03 | Comments (0)

karma scissors:

Zakum helms

If you acquire your helm through the guild for free and ask for a reloot due to selling the previous helm, you will be asked to pay a fee for the next helm. If you sell a scrolled zakum helm and want to reloot for scrolling you may reloot for a fee per helm. If you wish to rescroll/reloot and didn't sell your previous helms, your welcome to loot for free.

Fees may obviously be paid through split if you wish.

If you are found to be attempting to profit off the guild through free reloots you will be blocked from zakum or may even be removed from the guild.

Horntail pendant

If you sell your HT pendant and acquired it through a forsaken HT run you will pay a fee to reloot a pendant and the first egg when dealing with our independent HT run. We do have a log of all forsaken HT runs and who looted/used items.

If you sell a HT pendant you acquired through the official bellocan squad and think there is any chance you may want another HT pendant later, PLEASE speak with dean or any other user who handles the official squad. Selling your previous pendant may be taken as you profiting off the squad and may in turn effect how your relooting works in the future. Take note.

Guild boss squad:

Zakum changes

If yuki pays for a 2x drop card for the run we have asked him to take 7.5 million meso from the nights run for payment.

We plan to bring two lvl 50 mules to zakum starting sometime this week to loot extra zakum helms and lvl 10 skills (IE tt 10). These items will be karma scissored by me (moto), dd or yuki. The money will be split amongst the people who ran at that nights run.

Finally, we are looking for a member who can religously come to zakum nightly (you also must be able to be a main attacker) to gift a 2x card to. This will lower our 2x drop cost expence.

Payment for doing a users quest is 8m.

Category: Guild | Views: 608 | Added by: forsakenguild | Date: 2009-06-29 | Comments (0)

Summer prices are in effect untill other wise noted.

AVIP (AutoVIP) is launched. The AVIP package allows a user to buy a zakum helm online without contacting a sales associate from the guild in game, saving time and making the process of acquiring a zakum helmet much easier.

Simply send payment via duey (along with a random ETC item) and fill out the order form, you will receive a zakum helm within 2-3 days. full information, requirments and order form can be found here.


Category: Guild | Views: 673 | Added by: forsakenguild | Date: 2009-05-19 | Comments (0)

Forsaken is a guild centered around a community experience. based around forming friendships, meeting new people and working together to better the collective game play.

If you are a leech trainer who hangs on a rope all day; aren't talkative and friendly and only after items/meso, Forsaken is not for you. Such players will be weeded out.

 We are looking for players who are active, open, communicative and willing to take on an amount of responsibility. Users who want to meet new people, form friendships and experience the game with others.

We want members who will be appropriate for the guild and recruits who understand the guild they are applying for. Please read up more about us and see if you meet our criteria and if Forsaken is right for you.

To apply:

 You need to be 4th job and at least lvl 130 (some leeway can be given if your a friend of the guild). Obviously you must be legit. Some jobs will be seen more favorable than others, but we do want a diverse group of guild mates.

 We are not just looking to host "trophy high levels", We are looking for great people and players.

  • Before applying please review the guild and rules/information (here). Please make sure the guild is right for you before applying.
  • After submitting your application it will be posted on the guild website (See: public recruitment forum) and will be up for a group sampling vote, the time period of this vote will be at least two weeks.
  • After applying it is important that you visit the forum and our guild FM (CH19 FM6). talk with guild members and introduce yourself, don't be shy.
  • The final say on you joining will be decided by the guild leaders.
Note: Members are of course welcomed to invite their friends to apply for the guild.
Thank you!
Category: Guild | Views: 1129 | Added by: moto | Date: 2009-05-13 | Comments (0)

Hello Bitches <3

While I’m returning to the game in some capacity, I’m returning for a pure fun factor. I will not devote the amount of time I once did to the game/guild but I will put enough time and effort in to once again grow the guild and increase activity. Given that I returned to only play when I have the time or feel like devoting time to the game I no longer plan to micromanage people or issues, if I have a shorter fuse it’s because of this.

I wrestled with the idea of leaving the guild and joining up with others to avoid having maple eat up any large amount of my time but I’ve found many of the guilds existing members too complicated to part with. Given how many of you stayed I feel it’s important to try and reorganize the guild. Many have also been concerned over how inactive the server has become, not knowing what they would do if the guild continued to deteriorate.  

The following is what I feel is important to get the guild going, I ask members participate however possible! Suggestions and comments are of course always welcomed.

Guild morale:

Trash the guild, you're out. I’m not going to deal with drama and past issues. History is just that, history. I ask that current members support the guild by advertising our site/helms on shops, forums and in game. If you have a friend you would like to recommend joining the guild, pleasing wait and few days before doing so. Be active with the guild and site (to stay on top of news/planned events) and be more communicative! The site is here for a reason, if you can’t find me online message or post here.


Beginning this week (May 4th - 10th) OR next week (May 18th - 24th), I will begin re-hosting zakum runs. I plan to host three days a week until activity in the guild and or server picks up. The three days will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday. DD or another JR may decide to host on other days or weekends.

Due to the overall inactivity level of the server/guild I plan to look for a more broad based squad for zakum runs (that I will be hosting). First priority will always be given to guild members, followed by C'est la vie members and finally, friends of the guild who would like to join the run/squad.

A post will be put up later if you have a friend who would to zakum periodically with us. (4th job only please). Sign up for the weeks run (that i will be hosting) will be posted every weekend here and on BBS for early sign up.


Any run will be scheduled before hand and most likely in tandem with C'est la vie.


look into joining bello squad or wait for the activity level to pick up. If things become more lively DD will attempt a run. We currently have the funds to pay for run(s). I plan to MTS some old items to raise nx for the guild.

Guild bank:

I plan to assess the bank and handle past splits/old item sales over summer with also expediting the splits process for future boss runs to avoid issues.

Member assessment:

We will assess the current members in the guild to determine if they should remain or be kicked for the sake of; downsizing, shedding inactive members. This will fully depend on the activity level of a member, prospects of their return.


Open recruitment, changed application process with focus on new members who are looking for a community guild to enjoy the game with. Applicants looking to benefit with items/meso will be weeded out; there will be no more Mr. nice moto. I will no longer be involved in "maple drama" and sort out your issues. I will kick new members freely if they cause trouble. I want team players who are friendly, active and will accept some level of responsibility in the guild and will work towards its betterment.

No more storing recruits in other guilds.

I plan to reopen recruitment myself in a few days.

Lastly I want to thank the members who stayed with the guild (and supported each other) during its downtime. For me, it has disproved the fodder about the guild not having any true ties with each other. Personally I find the guild refreshing with fewer members and focused around members who truly enjoy the guild. I look forward to working, playing and seeing you guys in game, again! (BBS/forum will be cleaned, scrubbed and updated. out with the old, in with the new D:)

Note: some users may not be able to login to the site; i plan to fix user accounts over the next day or two. if you are having issues please comment this news post with your IGN.

~ Management 

Category: Guild | Views: 744 | Added by: moto | Date: 2009-05-03 | Comments (0)

The guild website will be relaunched as part of a guild reorganization. Site will be down randomly over the next few days. Most pages will be a mess and need updating!

Thank you~

Category: Guild | Views: 658 | Added by: moto | Date: 2009-05-02 | Comments (3)

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