Saturday, 2024-07-27, 4:36 AM
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Main » Entries archive
     I feel like I should explain myself before people think I just quit on them.  Like many others, I do have a life.  I just graduated from college and is about to teach.  I won't be on as much because I got hired ... so I wanted to put some people in charge, so it losen my workload in the guild.  I won't be on as much like I used to.  I will still be around to check up on things.  
Category: Guild | Views: 21398 | Added by: DeathDaggers | Date: 2008-08-14 | Comments (2)

Welcome to forsakens newest member; karancandy

feel free to abuse/harass and do what you see fit to him =]
Category: Guild | Views: 1234 | Added by: moto | Date: 2008-08-12 | Comments (3)

DD is hosting a bellocan lottery:

From his bellardia post:

If any of you guys are feeling lucky, then I propose Bello's Lottery.
If you are still interested, then this is how it works.

You will pay 250k per entry. You will pick 6 numbers ranging from 1-49 (I use a random generator to get the six numbers). If you get 4 numbers, then you will win 10 mils automatically. If you get 5 numbers correct, then you will 25 mils. If you get all 6 numbers correct, then you will win the potsize. If no one win, then whatever mesos that you guys gave me will go to the next lottery. The mesos will change accordingly to how many people plays. I will try to do this twice a day if I can. Otherwise, it will be one time each day.

I know some of you guys think it might be a scam, but I'm willing to put my reputation on the line. ALL mesos that is in this will go into one account rnotomage ( r n o t o mage), a mule. Contact me, Quikstrike, and I will get the six numbers from you.
Potsize atm: 202 mils and growing.

Category: Guild | Views: 1361 | Added by: moto | Date: 2008-08-11 | Comments (2)

Essential and friends horntail

Ed has invited forsaken members to sign up for the essential and friends horntail run

The run will occur on Sunday at 4PM PST

Sign up is located in the BBS or you can sign up here
Category: Guild | Views: 1217 | Added by: moto | Date: 2008-08-11 | Comments (0)

Category: Guild | Views: 12260 | Added by: moto | Date: 2008-08-10 | Comments (0)

  • Currently planning a guild meeting for a guild SS next week, planning to hold it anytime from Thursday onward, please vote in the bbs post which day is better for you, will announce the date early next week
  • DD is back from vacation, all is well in bellocan

  • Zakum run time is up for re-vote, please vote and/or discuss it here
  • Zakum buyer policy/info has changed regarding regular buyers

  • Looking for members who are interested in hosting/creating guild events (even if scheduling for something like weekend guild PQ's), any ideas are welcome and you may use the event forum if you wish; new site poll regarding events will run for 20 days and it is multiple choice to get a feeling of what type of events people like, please vote!
  • Guild member only forums no longer require a key, they are only visible to members or jr's
  • If you would like to create and submit a new banner/header for the site, the max dimensions for a banner are 900 X 150, a copy of the header can be found here for sizing/website purposes, do not edit the image beyond where the blocks end on the right
Category: Guild | Views: 1063 | Added by: moto | Date: 2008-08-06 | Comments (0)

Happy birthday to caob45 (zachy), he is 7 y/o now

Category: Guild | Views: 1076 | Added by: moto | Date: 2008-07-31 | Comments (3)

Guild news for the 30th week of 2008

  • 3rd official horntail run is scheduled for august 8th @ 1:30PM PST, sign up is located in the BBS. Horntail guides can be found here

  • DD is on vacation in tijuana until further notice, yay (?) if local please feel free to stalk dd and take compromising photos that you can later sell to people like me for millions of meso.

  • Mintypixel and jenisaur are now JR's, feel free to abuse them with your whips, chains, questions, suggestions, issues and hate.
  • jenisaur is handling zakum helm sales now along with quikstrike, motomage and amans. Firemystery is on leave, leslie is on break.

  • New forums are up for JR/leader discussion, I'm asking that all JR's and leaders who have access take part in the discussions and offer their support.
  • Zakum runs are also being recorded on the forum as well as in game BBS for record keeping and better access/clarity.
  • Item drops from zakum are going to be used to fund HT runs unless noted by DD.
  • if anyone would like to submit a different website logo/header feel free to post, max dimensions are 900lx100h
post will update with any other events as the week progresses
thank you and cya in game~

Category: Guild | Views: 1263 | Added by: moto | Date: 2008-07-28 | Comments (1)

Wednesday, July 23rd:
Happy birthday to kerri (MizBea)

Happy birthday to Sold (tiffla)

The Unbirthday Song - Alice In Wonderland

Category: Guild | Views: 1113 | Added by: moto | Date: 2008-07-23 | Comments (2)

Welcome to Forsaken guild's website

  We are a Maplestory guild in Bellocan consisting of active and high level players from around the world. Feel free to look around and if you would like, go on to the forums and give an introduction of yourself.

×Forsaken Administrators×

Information will be posted soon

  We take your privacy and information very seriously and handle it with care. Four guild members (motomage, BluexDesire, iTess and TheMoguI) have access to users personal information uploaded to the site (email, etc). All information you enter on your profile may be hidden at your request. Your email will remain hidden and there is no option to make your email public. At no time will any admin of the site ever give our your information.

  You are required to provide an active email address, you will be asked to verify your email and will not have full site access until you do so.

Login issues/lost information
  Contact IGN: motomage or IGN: BluexDesire for assistance with your login information. You can also request to have your password sent to you.

User groups
  • If you are a friend of the guild or an alliance member, upon registering you'll be able to choose to join your registered group. Once applying please allow 1-4 days for a site admin to verify your membership into the site users group in which you applied, in the mean time you'll have limited access on the site.
  • To speed up this process please contact a Forsaken JR in game. Only users in the alliance/guild or friends user groups will have access to permitted areas on the site. Please make sure you have your status on the site upgraded to fully partake on the website. 
Forsaken forum guidelines and information…
  •   The forum is open to all visitors and registered users, not all forums are open and some are only visible to guild members/friends (see usergroups). You must make an account to have full forum access, guests may only view services and market forums.
  •   To access all BBS code options click "+"
  •   Audio player; at the present time, isn't guaranteed to work with Internet Explorer and the site is best viewed with Firefox
  •   Any registered user may use the reputation system
  •   Any registered user may use the private message system.
  •   Any registered user may grant awards to a forum member (some awards are group exclusive)
Forum FAQ
  •   to post a video directly to the forum use the following code: [video] video link (youtube etc) [/video]
  •   zakum log is only viewable to guild members and may not also be updated with the split amount
  •   Some forums are exclusive to certain user groups.
Site guidelines and information…
Guild information & recruitment
  •    Guild information and rules are available along with full information on recruitment. You must be registered to fill out the recruitment form.
  •    Recruitment forms are posted on the site 2-5 days after being received.
  •    Questionnaires are posted in a public and private forum for discussion and voting. For full information on our recruitment policy and operation can be found here.
Zakum helmet
  •    Zakum buyer information can be found here.
  •    AutoVIP allows you to purchase a helmet from forsaken through the website and the order form can be located here. You must be registered on the site to send an order.
  •    buyer status here. (currently suspended for security purposes)
  •    quest information and help can be found here.
Tag board/Feedback/Questions/support/suggestion
  •    If you'd like to comment, leave feedback for a guild service you acquired or looking for support you may do so here.
  •    You do not have to be registered to use the tag board. If you are looking for support or asking a question please provide an email. Allow 1-3 days for an answer (an answer will be posted on the tagboard and sent to your email)
  •    The arcade is accessible to all site visitors. You must be registered to vote. You may comment without being registered.
  •    If you would like to submit a game to be added please suggest the game (with a link) on the tag board.
  •    All download only games have been verified to be safe. Some download games may be trial only (1-3 hours of gameplay before having to reinstall).
  •    Ad's will play on some games, you may skip an add. FYI: The website does benefit from the AD's through a revenue sharing platform with Mochi; clicks = $$$ to expand the website.
Site PM's
  Registered users may send/receive private messages. Forsaken members may mass dispatch messages.
  •    A skype group buddy list has been added The list has been put up to better communication. If you would like to participate please tell me and i will add you to the list. Friend and alliance members are welcome to join it.
  The guild twitter is an open account. Guild members may have access to it, please ask a JR for the information.

  The chat system is open to all site users. It is recommended that you make a chatango account to fully enjoy the chat box. Unless you clear your internet history you will remain logged in, requiring you to log in very rarely.

Security note(s)
  •   The "real name" you entered when signing up will show up in some areas of the site if you submit information (IE guest book), please edit this if its a security issue.
  •   User information can be edited at anytime by going to your profile (Located on the top-right)
  •   You can add IM contacts via your profile.
If you have any questions or want to report an error please contact us by leaving a message in the support/feedback forum or commenting here.
We thank you for your support

[updated August 14th 2010]
Category: Web | Views: 7900 | Added by: moto | Date: 2008-07-23 | Comments (7)

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